LeagueLoch's AutoMapper !!!!

LeagueLoch's, AutoMapper Version 2 (It's Free) !!!! - Released 04/27/2024.

LeagueLochs, AutoMapper Version 2.

It will automatically, map the USB/DVD device, as drive "R", so that any created in document links will function.

Usage:- In document links syntax:- file:///R:/Your_Document.pdf#page=1 etc.

How it works:- You must first, unzip the AutoMapper2.Zip file, to the root directory of your USB's/DVD's.

When the USB/DVD, is inserted, it will be automatically mapped as drive "R".

This will allow, your shared Html/pdf documents, in document links to function !!!!

It is a standalone program, and can be used as it is !!!!

Please include, the ReadMe_First.txt file, when distributing your files, this will warn the End-User, that it's their responsibility,

when using your portable media !!!!

Please Remember, To Copy The Following Files, To The Root Directory Of Your Removable Media.



AutoMapper (ShortCut) << -- You Can Change The Drive Letter You Wish To Map Too !!!! (Default R:).

cleanup.bat << -- AutoMapper Version 2, no longer used !!!!

mappingdrive.bat cleanup.bat << -- AutoMapper Version 2, no longer used !!!!

Disclaimer <<-- End-User Disclaimer.


When sending documents that have been linked to one another, please remember to include the files AutoMapper2.exe. It's only 53k

Don't forget, to tell your recipient, they must run AutoMapper2.exe file first !!!!

For example, the directory which AutoMapper has been launched from, will be automatically mapped as drive letter "R"

You can also change the default mapped drive letter, from "R" to another, simply by supplying a parameter to the command line.

For An Example, AutoMapper.exe S:


LeagueLoch's, AutoMapper Version 1.0 !!!! - Released 04/27/2024.

LeagueLochs, AutoMapper.

It will automatically, map the USB/DVD device, as drive "R", so that any created in document links will function.

Usage:- In document links syntax:- file:///R:/Your_Document.pdf#page=1 etc.

How it works:- You must first, unzip the AutoMapper.Zip file, to the root directory of your USB's/DVD's.

When the USB/DVD, is inserted, it will be automatically mapped as drive "R".

This will allow, your shared Html/pdf documents, in document links to function !!!!

It is a standalone program, and can be used as it is !!!!

Please include, the ReadMe_First.txt file, when distributing your files, this will warn the End-User, that it's their responsibility,

when using your portable media !!!!

Please Remember, To Copy The Following Files, To The Root Directory Of Your Removable Media.



cleanup.bat << -- Can Be Modified - For Cleaning Up Any Temp Files !!!!

mappingdrive.bat << -- Edit To Change The Mapping Drive Letter !!!!

Disclaimer.pdf <<-- End-User Disclaimer.


To Use AutoMapper Version 1.0, To Map To Your In Document Links, Do The Following.

Edit The autorun.inf, To Show that AutoMapper.exe Will AutoMatically Run !!!!




label=Your_DVD/USB Label



Then Edit The mappingdrive.bat File, To Show The Following.

subst r: /d

subst r: %1

explorer R:\Your_Index_PDF_OR_HTML_File

This File Being Your First/Index Page !!!!