Welcome To My Forum And Chat Room !!!



The Do's & the Do not's !!!!


The Do not's.

Do not share or give out your User names or Passwords.

Do not give out your Address, which includes your Home Town.

Do not give out your Date Of Birth.

Do not give out Phone Numbers unless you happy to disposable of the simm !!!!

Do not give out any instant messenger account details to total strangers.

Do not give out your life's history to total strangers, because it's most likely that, that person could be mentally ill or even unhinged !!!!

Do not discuss with anyone in chat, that you or your partner may or may not have children.

Do not discuss any issues surrounding Children !!!!

Lastly, if you're involved in a Legal case tha's still being investigated or your attending jury service, please keep all of the details to yourself !!!!



The Do's.

Please, only discuss historic cases which have already been dealt with by the Justice System !!!!

You're allowed to discuss how the Justice System worked or did not work for you !!!!

You're allowed to ask other users their opinion on who's the best solicitors, for an example !!!!


Please note, that you must first create an account on the pHpBB Forum before you can access the Chat Room.


Your User name and Password will be the same for both !!!!


The Chat Room Link will become active once you have logged into the Forum, Just Click and you will be automatically logged in !!!!



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